Fire Alarm Panels |
Siemens MXL-IQ
Siemens MXL
Siemens MXL-V
Intelligent fire protection for midsize buildings
Intelligent fire protection for large buildings
Intelligent fire protection with voice mass communication
Siemens FS-250
Siemens FireFinder
Siemens FireFinder XLS Voice
Intelligent fire protection for small buildings
Advanced, intelligent fire protection for large buildings
Advanced, intelligent fire protection with voice mass communication
Siemens SXL-EX
Siemens PXL
Siemens System 3
Conventional fire protection for small buildings
Conventional fire protection for midsize buildings
Conventional fire protection for large buildings
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Fire Alarm Detection, Initiation, and Notification Devices |
Siemens Intelligent Manual Station
Siemens Intelligent Smoke/Heat Detector
Siemens Conventional Smoke/Heat Detector
Siemens Duct Housing
Siemens Horn/Strobe Combination
Siemens Strobe Only
Siemens Chime/Strobe Combination
Siemens Speaker Strobe
Siemens Weatherproof Box
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Clock Systems |
Sapling SMA3000 Series Master Clock
Sapling SMA1000 Series Repeater
Sapling Wireless or Wired Clock
Microprocessor based master clock with LCD Display and web interface programming
Transmits wireless data up to 1000 meters in open space
Microprocessor based clock with automatic calibration and built-in diagnostics mode
Sapling Digital Wireless Clock
Sapling Digital Wireless Clock
Sapling Wireless or Wired Clock
A blue display, wireless digital system clock that acts as a repeater and transmitter
A red display, wireless digital system clock that acts as a repeater and transmitter
Microprocessor based clock with automatic calibration and built-in diagnostics mode
Lathem LTR-512
Lathem Analog Clock
Lathem Digital Clock
System master clock with programmable ciruits and Automic Clock time synchronizing capabilities
System or stand-alone clock with hourly correction
System or stand-alone clock with high visibility
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Access Control Systems |
Bioscrypt V-Smart
Bioscrypt V-Station
Bioscrypt V-Cerco
Access control that combines a biometric device and smart card reader
Three form authentication access control in a self-contained unit
Environmentally controlled enclosure with automated motion sensor for V-Series product line
Corby 6521
Corby 8021
Corby 4320
A self-contained keypad unit that has all needed relays and security features built-in
An adapter that allows remote programming of door entry system via an ethernet connection
A stainless steel datachip containing a unique identification number for guaranteed accuracy and many years of usage
Tektone TE903A
Tektone TE903
Tektone TE905
Door entry access system with baked enamel finish
Door entry access system with stainless steel finish
Modular style door entry access system with aluminum finish
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CCTV Camera Systems |
Dedicated Micros ECO4-CD
Dedicated Micros DS2
Dedicated Micros BX2
A four channel DVR recorder for security cameras with the ability backup data with its built-in CD burner
A feature-packed DVR recorder with built-in transmission that supports telemetry control and recording
A cutting edge DVR recorder with RAID data fault tolerance and 'hot-swappable' drives
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Nurse Call |
Tektone NC300
Tektone IR320
Tektone SF401
An integrated, microprocessor-based nurse call system with all of the latest features and functions required by today's health care professionals
A dual patient station that provides two-way hands-free communication between patient and nurse
Pillow speaker controller with TV control capabilities for hospital-grade TV's
Tektone NC110
Tektone LI381/LI382
Tektone LI150B
A nurse call system that provides audible and visual call indication without the use of intercom communications
Provides visual indication of an event
A duty station that gives an indication of incoming call in work areas away from the master station
Tektone SF100C
Tektone SF102C
Tektone SF155B
Single bed room station with a jack that allows the attachment of a call cord
Dual bed room station with dual jacks that allows the attachment of a two call cords
An emergency station for use in any location where activation of an emergency signal is required
Tektone SF301/302
Tektone SF339
Tektone IR155B
A call cord that is impact resistant and has a completely sealed push button
An emergency station that includes a locking mushroom-style switch
A single patient station with built-in call cord and push button
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